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Caterina Morigi, Honesty of matter, 2019

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Honesty of matter is presented as a catalog of surfaces. Portions of materials, micro and macroscopic, minerals, painted, engraved, involuntary spaces in alternation between natural and artificial. The author focuses on how man imitates nature, and, in a poetic way, nature resembles man. Even when it would be possible to use the original substance, technologies were used to imitate the texture of the stone. Here the subtle relationship of similarity between human skin and stone surface is identified and highlighted through photography, as is the effort of mimesis that occurs in the tradition of representation. Sometimes confined to the background, sometimes made subject of representation, the stone is part of a world of relationships and gazes.

Honesty of matter

Caterina Morigi
Witty Books, October 2019

Text and Collaborations by Loredana Barillaro, Caterina Benvegnù, Stefano Coletto, Claudio Musso, Rachele D’Osualdo, Vasco Forconi, Paolo Icaro, Laura Lamonea, Amalia Nangeroni, Cesare Pietroiusti, Nuvola Ravera, Mauro Zanchi, Cristian Manuel Zanon.

128 pages
18,5 x 26 cm, Soft cover with dust jacket

Italian, English

ISBN 978-88-944340-4-0

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