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On the one hand Jacques Herzog believes that architecture is made to be experimented, on the other an artist like Jeff Wall tries to understand how to take advantage of any errors in his photographs. We expect images from a photographer – says Herzog – but perhaps architecture was not expected to start thinking in terms of images. Here are the premises of a fascinating conversation in which we talk about: art and architecture, elements common to the two disciplines such as time, narrative and experimentation, easy pitfalls of photogenic and aestheticising the image, how images and buildings are built, refusal of postmodernism, importance of the senses, cultural heritage, relationship with localisms, new frontiers and balance between modernity and tradition.

Architects often draw inspiration from contemporary art, not only from its tactile, physical presence and the imaginative treatment of materials, but also from the analytical investigation that operates on society. Art and architecture come together in a mutually fruitful dialogue. The most innovative architecture offers solutions that incorporate artistic strategies; while the content of much art can often be related to architectural data. This publication offers a discussion between two of the major representatives of art and architecture; everyone knows the work of the other although they have never collaborated on real projects. (from the preface by Cristina Bechtler)

Cristina Bechtler
Conversation between Jacques Herzog and Jeff Wall
Postmedia Books
80 pages

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