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The idea of ​​a perverse and evil human nature has always dominated the western imagination, fueling the belief that only strong social institutions such as the State can subjugate it and make coexistence possible. But this hierarchical and unequal vision has moreover placed a heavy mortgage on the future of humanity, precisely because it claims that there is a human nature, that it is universal and that therefore its realization must be guaranteed. On the contrary, libertarian thought, from the first classics to contemporary reflections, rejects the idea of ​​an immutable, universal, foundational human nature and in front of the crossroads between nature and culture, innatism and environmentalism, necessity and freedom, relativism and universalism, consciously avoids to resolve in a synthesis the tension between these opposites. Indeed, it recognizes its legitimate precariousness in a deliberately unstable and provisional balance. In other words, libertarian thought, and anarchism in particular, in order to be coherent with itself it is obliged to think of ontology not as an essence but as a condition and a grow.

Pedagogist Francesco Codello is one of the most active members of the Network of libertarian schools and the Italian referent of the International Democratic Education Network.

Francesco Codello, La condizione umana nel pensiero libertario
Elèuthera Editrice
343 pages, paperback

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