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Miguel Benasayag alerts us to the major risk that algorithms pose for our democracies while big data is in the process of deciding the directions of the world. It is on a daily basis that collective life is insidiously “taken over” by machines: surveillance software coupled with cameras, predictive justice, marketing monitoring of our every move on the internet to develop purchasing predictions … It is not however technophobic that the author denounces the colonization of the living, aware that looking at the future in a rear view mirror is not possible. Far from the cleavage which consists in sending back technophiles and technophobes back to back, Miguel Benasayag demonstrates here how the resistance to the colonization of humans by the machine must go through a search for hybridization between the two. To hybridize is neither to refuse artificial intelligence nor to let oneself be dominated by it, it is to know how to draw the political consequences and democratic of this new form of domination. If the economy is driven by the AI ​​which today determines the political, there is no longer any possible conflict, there is only a management of behaviors. How can individuals regain the power to act in this post-democratic world?

Miguel Benasayag
Interview with Régis Meyran
Collection: Conversations puor demain
96 pages, 11,3 x 21 cm

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