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This collection of partly unpublished texts and images for the first time recomposes the many aspects of a work that has the most unique and rare feature of presenting itself as dispersed in its multiplicity. From time to time narrator, film screenwriter, theater author, journalist, literary critic. An art critic, always engaged in the great causes of humanity – from the fate of migrant workers in Europe to recent testimonies on the Palestinian reality – John Berger has chosen non-specialization and non-professionalization as a lifestyle. And as the only possible way to remain involved in a reality made up of personal relationships, physical contacts, emotional exchanges that exclude any form of ideological abstraction, guaranteeing adherence to a reality always understood in a direct and personal way. Among the texts chosen and edited by Maria Nadotti, the testimony on Ramallah, the interview on the collaboration with the director Alain Tanner or the pages on Tiziano and Caravaggio give an idea of the richness and height of inspiration of one of the greatest authors contemporaries.
John Berger – Modi di vedere
Bollati Boringhieri
154 pages, paperback