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Manuel Ibáñez, REVERSO, 2019

35 Euro


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Reverso by Manuel Ibáñez is the diary of gazes of a flâneur who strolls, observes and records a nearby environment in which characters appear and disappear, nothing is what it seems and we often have an impression of ordinariness shrouded in mystery. Manuel tirelessly records the light and colour that subvert reality, filling the latter with hidden meanings. In a journey through his city over the years the artist explores the uniqueness of the ordinary, of what transpires when nothing appears to be happening.

Reverso is the first book in a collection that is the fruit of the collaboration between the Centre of Cultural Initiatives (CICUS, for its initials in Spanish) at the University of Seville and Ediciones Anómalas, set up to publish works by photographers who develop their careers in Andalusia.

Miguel Romero
Ediciones Anomalas

Coedition: Centro de Iniciativas Culturales (CICUS) de la Universidad de Sevilla
Design: underbau
32 x 24 cm
100 pages
Copertina morbida

ISBN 978-84-09-11823-6

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