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Thinking Through Circus gathers ten dialogues with and between circus artists. Each entry bears witness to how a specific circus practice is (also) a practice of critical thinking, revealing how feminism, queerness, dramaturgy, love, disobedience, posthumanism and the aesthetico-political imaginary are rethought in and through contemporary circus practice. With this book, The Circus Dialogues wants to tend to the embodied relationships between contemporary circus and today’s world, defending circus as a field in which experimental thinking is already happening and can continue to happen. Doing so, we hope to contribute to a more sustainable circus, expanding both accountability and agency within our field.
Thinking Through Circus
Bauke Lievens, Quintijn Ketels, Sebastian Kann, Vincent Focquet (eds.)
APE, January 2020
Design and editing by 6′56″
176 pages
16 × 22 cm, linen hardcover
ISBN 9789493146358