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The catalog presents itself as a moment of inquiry into the perception of the museum and its space-time function. It presents a wide series of unpublished photographic works by Mario Cresci, the result of a research work that comes from the territory, from Palazzo dei Pio and from the city of Carpi. Continuous references between the architecture of the building and the objects that it preserves of the culture and history of Carpi, create a play of forms, a mapping of geometries and signs, which focus on cultural aspects of the territory in which the artist He works. Entering places of culture means for Cresci to penetrate the historical-cultural mechanisms that surround them and appropriate them through the return of images and abstract forms that nevertheless have a close correspondence with the real.
Mario Cresci
by Luca Panaro
APM Edizioni
colored and b/n photos
128 pages, 25 x 32 cm
Italian, English