December 2020

Exhibition Tuesday December 15th, 4-8 pm,

Platero y yo, ELSE edizioni

Platero is small, hairy, sweet: so soft on the outside that it seems all cotton, without bones. Only the mica mirrors in his eyes are hard as two black glass beetles. […]

With these words Juan Ramón Jiménez introduces Platero to the reader.
In the background, the Andalusian countryside and nature, in the foreground there is the donkey Platero, the deep friendship and equal relationship that binds him to the child poet, with whom he often walks together in contemplation of nature or the inhabitants of Moguer. Platero becomes an educator for Jiménez, a reminder of the dignity of man in his necessary bond with nature, narrated in this volume designed with great attention by Else through the beautiful illustrations by Juan Bernabeu.

On show in Leporello the original works by Juan Bernabeu made for the silkscreen book printed by Else Edizioni, and with a special intervention by the guys from Mook.

Hours and Infos

Exhibition from December 15th to January 30th

Leporello, Via del Pigneto, 162/e – Roma