Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

July 2021

My Japan

For Issei Suda (1940–2019), photography was a means to document the ordinary and reveal the extraordinary. Traditional country festivals were a favourite subject, but he also saw theatre in Tokyo’s street life. Suda had a talent for square format compositions and is known for the technical perfection of his black-and-white prints as well as for his unique and surrealistic visual style. 'Issei Suda – My Japan' is an introduction to his life’s work, from the 1960s until

March 2021

Panteon n.1

Panteon (without H) is a new Italian architecture magazine, published twice a year. It is an anachronistic enterprise: anachronistic is the content, anachronistic is the product, anachronistic is its use. And actually, looking at it carefully, it has something out of time, it could be for the type of paper chosen, it could be for the large format, it could be for the skilful use of black and white, able to give even more cha

October 2019


A grid system is a rigid framework that is supposed to help graphic designers in the meaningful, logical and consistent organization of information on a page. It is an established tool that is used by print and web designers to create well-structured, balanced designs. Rudimentary versions of grid systems existed since the medieval times, but a group of Swiss graphic designers, mostly inspired in ideas from typographical literature started building a more rigid and coh

November 2020

Lo Sguardo che Offende

Lo Sguardo che Offende, Il Manuale is an artist's monotype in 30 unique autographed copies, printed on cotton paper and various fabrics, and wrapped in a peculiar cover, a fabric mask, one of the characterizing elements of the project. Il Manuale is an integral and conclusive part of a work that arises from a reflection on the devices of vision and on the sci-fi possibility of the gaze to "hurt" the landscape it observes, in a hypothetical str

January 2021

The Castle

Something more than just a group of nations or the designation of a geographical area, Europe can be understood as an idea, or a set of ideas. The idea of Europe shapes and fuels the history of a considerable part of our planet, starting from ancient Greece and the Roman Empire on to the great colonial powers of the last few centuries. The aim of this series of photographs is to follow the traces the

April 2020


After the first two exhibitions “Chapter 1 – The Hierarchy of Images” and “Chapter 2 – The Conflict of Images”, the trilogy ends with “Chapter 3 – The Control of Images”, presenting the works of Anouk Kruithof, Julian Röder and Jules Spinatsch. The exhibition catalogue deals with the topic of control and surveillance, as well as with the critical observation of problematic social processes. In doing so, the exhibition takes a critical look at to how great an exte