Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

June 2020


Diane Arbus: A Chronology is the closest thing possible to a contemporaneous diary by one of the most daring, influential, and controversial artists of the twentieth century. Drawn primarily from Arbus’s correspondence with friends, family, and colleagues; personal notebooks; and other unpublished writings, this beautifully produced volume exposes the astonishing vision of an artist with the courage to see things as they are and the grace to permit them simply to be. The Chr

April 2020


This kit allows to learn basic printing and stamp carving techniques, with all the tools and tricks needed to learn step by step to carve your own stamps and to print on all surface types.  It will teach you how to create your own stamps from scratch, print and what materials are needed. Kit the Carvado includes a carving tool, with 4 interchangeable blades,to help you carve the path you want on the sof

January 2024

Floating – Deluxe edition

Where floating memories surface. Water gives back dimension to the forgotten, transparent and helplessbody, draws the boundary, sustains and blesses. A path of reappropriation of one's own bodily dimension, crossing the darkness of certain corners of the mind, where emptiness and self-forgetfulness lurk, where thought becomes slow, the gaze blurred and the body with all its pulsing, disappears. Nature accompanies, becomes a mirror, a cavern and a cradle, outlines dimension, draws grooves, bestows co

May 2019


Between 2007 and 2013, when Castore was living in Poland, he met an extravagant woman on the street. Even if they do not exchange a single word, the photographer is deeply impressed. When, thanks to a friend, he manages to track her, he discovers her terrible living conditions: Ewa and his brother Piotr live in a decrepit apartment located in a street of Krakow. Abandoned to themselves, alcoholics, without gas, without electricity, without hot water, Ewa and

July 2020


The Arsenic Eaters investigates the widespread historical belief that the consumption of arsenic, generally known to be a deadly poison, is beneficial to one’s health. Accordingly, many ‘poison eaters’ were found among the Austrian rural population in the nineteenth century. What they were ingesting was white (arsenic trioxide) or yellow arsenic (arsenic trisulfide). It was produced by roasting arsenic-containing minerals. Arsenic eaters were robust persons, and usually of the lower class of soci

May 2022

Il corpo del capitano

In 2018, photographers Luca Santese and Marco P. Valli documented the birth of the so-called Third Republic in a critical-satirical way. After the end of the First Conte Government, their research focused on Matteo Salvini – the political leader of the Italian Lega – and center-right forces. His voters call him “The Captain”. Salvini’s propaganda style is highly innovative: he is constantly photographing himself, his daily life and his body, to come across as a ‘man of