Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2022

Rivers & Towns

The photographs in Rivers & Towns, a new book by mark Steinmetz, were taken between 1982 and 1990 in working-class towns in Connecticut (USA). Steinmetz moves among the factories and mills built along the many rivers that water this southeastern US state, which had already seen their heyday and were experiencing a slow decline. Of that time he says: "I was moved by these places and wanted to describe the bridges, the houses, the roads, and show some

May 2023


The book features a collection of photographs by Lina Pallotta taken from 1990 to 2018 of Porpora Marcasciano, an Italian trans activist. It is divided into three sections: the first is dedicated to the photographs; the second collects a text by Porpora Marcasciano, a critical essays by Raffaella Perna and Allen Frame, and a poem by Kae Tempest. The third section, curated by Michele Bertolino, is a selection of documents from the 1970s to the present, bas

April 2020


At the theoretical level, the concept of power is one of the most controversial and problematic in the history of philosophical, political, sociological and legal thought. The starting point of Byung-Chul Han’s reflection is that it has almost always been reduced to a direct causal relationship: who holds the power imposes himself on those who suffer it, determining their behavior regardless of their will. However, according to Han, if you only emphasi

January 2021

Art Isn’t Fair

Art Isn’t Fair is the title of the last video completed in 2012 by Allan Sekula (1951-2013), a work commenting on the rise of art fairs as yet another international gathering of moneyed elites. This new compilation of textual, photographic and filmic essays underscores Sekula’s longstanding engagement with the many intersections between art, photography, and the shifting terrain of power struggles from both a local and international perspective. Bringing together an ensemble of wor

April 2020


Clouds are fleeting entities – studying them so as to correctly classify, name and read their forms was considered in the 19th and early 20th centuries an important step in coming to understand the secrets of the atmosphere. In its early stages photography offered scientists completely new ways of depicting clouds. They used cameras to make precise, lifelike images, which provided in turn insights into the interaction of clouds and the atmosphere. Helmut Völter‘s Â

July 2020


Atlas of Forms is a large book of images that documents every kind of shape found in architecture of all types. Within its 256 pages, are nearly 1500 photographs patiently collected from the Internet and classified according to the rudimentary criteria of geometry (circle, square, triangle, polygon) and their current state (construction site, completed, abandoned or in ruins). These categories mix and mingle without interruption. Opening with a series of spherical structures, like small worlds