Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

May 2020


‘Der Schriftgiesserʼ (The typefounder) is a description of typefounding included in Werkstäte der heutigen Künste oder die neue Kunsthistorie – a virtually encyclopedic series concerning crafts originally published in Leipzig between 1761–1779. The author, Johann Samuel Halle (1727–1810), was an academic and a Prussian civil servant. His description of typefounding is probably the first detailed text on the subject written in German by an author who was neither a printer nor any other kind of tra

June 2020


In October 2010 Art Licks launched its printed magazine. This unique magazine is a pioneering, discursive space for the voice of artists and curators to sound out new and experimental ideas and projects. The Art Licks magazine is important as it offers support to young creatives at a critical point in their career. In 2020, as one becomes ever-immersed in a technicolour landscape of digital technology, we feel it is significant that the use of Blac

June 2020


Scarti di avviamento is the technical term for the paper that is fed through the printing press to clean the drums of ink between print runs. This by-product is usually destroyed once the book is printed. But in this case the 'scarti' – Italian for scraps - were saved and safely stored away by publisher Gigi Giannuzzi. Following his untimely death in December 2012 this box was discovered. In these scraps the layering of the original images from Ghetto appear al

June 2020


Il Rituale del Serpente could be the best introduction to the deep and singular work of Aby Warburg (1866 - 1929), the most direct way to reach the heart of his thought. His work about Hopi appears to us as the spatial expression of an incoercible desire to escape the limits, the conditioning of his environment and his academic discipline: «I was sincerely disgusted by the history of aesthetic art. » For this already renowned specialist of the fifteenth

June 2020


Intimate Distance is the first comprehensive monograph charting the career of acclaimed American photographer. Well-known for his photographs of landscapes and suburban housing, and for the use of cinematographic lights and colors through which the author shows us timeless images. This volume brings together his most iconic images and unpublished photographs bringing a fresh perspective to his oeuvre. David Campany introduces the work and looks specifically at Hido's cinematic influences and th

June 2020


The «passages» of Paris is an unfinished work to which Benjamin worked for 13 years and it presents itself as a fascinating expression of the continuous proliferation of materials and of the infinite research on historical reality, now a key to the interpretation of modernity. starting from the seemingly marginal details of the reality of Paris, Benjamin wants to discover the origins of the modern era, through the combination of texts, intuitions and theoret