Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

December 2019


“His work broad¬ened mental horizons and enriched the perception of those who encountered it, because it was a proposal for emancipation. By providing a beautiful and meditative response to the specific situations he was addressing,21 Theis managed to create new places full of promise without ever relying on spec¬tacular effects. The color white, which he used as a tool to free the eyes and elevate the mind, was a philosophy of life.

October 2021


Fontcuberta is a conceptual artist whose best-known works, such as Fauna and Sputnik, examine the truthfulness of photography. In Fauna, Fontcuberta created Fauna, also known as “Dr. Ameisenhaufen's Fauna” or “Secret Fauna”, in collaboration with the writer and photographer Pere Formiguera, under the guise that Fontcuberta and Formiguera discovered the long-lost archives of German zoologist Dr. Peter Ameisenhaufen, born 1895 and who disappeared mysteriously in 1955. Ameisenhaufen had catalogued a number of unusual animals, for example,

March 2019


One can sense an alternation between direct experience and a more distant analysis in the work of Irene Kopelman. She is deeply fascinated by natural phenomena and their acute impact on the senses, and equally intrigued by the methods and tools we use to understand them. This book focuses on glaciers, alpine forests, and mountain landscapes sculpted by avalanches, especially their texture, morphology, and “readability”. It includes drawings and field notes made during multiple tri

May 2020


Karen Knorr’s Belgravia, describes through images and accompanying quotes, class and power amongst the international and wealthy during the beginning of Thatcherism in London. Produced between 1979 and 1981 the images are now available for the first time in a beautiful artists monograph. The work describes the ‘everyday’ of a privileged minority, and whilst historically, portraiture of the upper classes has tended to be flattering, the combination of portraits and quotes from the subject

November 2021

Obscuria De Profundis

‘Obscuria de Profundis’ was developed from 2016 to 2020. It is a search for visual answers to the riddle of existence. Tolo uses everyday objects that correspond with allegorical objects in the cosmos. They illustrate the path that the species have traveled from its origin to the present time. Looking for the resolution of the oldest enigma, that of existence: What are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going? It remains the main rea

September 2019


"General View“ investigates conceptions of a new reality that continuously departs from the indexical referent towards an ever-changing rendering of a world that is yet still routed in the photographic image. Inspired by photographs of Yosemite National Park – one of the most intensely mediated nature sites on earth, the series toys with the question regarding the necessity of traveling to a place that has been photographed innumerable times, the need to record additional photographs.