Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

December 2020

East of Nowhere

In 1987, Fabio Ponzio embarked on a photographic odyssey across Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Starting in Istanbul, and making his way to Poland, Ponzio found little food in the shops and long lines to buy bread. With supplies dwindling in the shops and immense crowds to buy necessities, the countries along his route were on the verge of collapse. And in the autumn of 1989, as the various regimes of communist countries from Bud

March 2024

The Light Observer, Issue n°01

The first issue of The Light Observer focuses on the exploration of light in different forms and areas. For this issue, Nathalie Du Pasquier has created a series around the theme of light: a narrative mixing words and drawings entitled LUX. The fine drawing, humour and keen sense of form and colour make this collection very special and recognisable. We also met the great explorer and scientist Michel Siffre and talked about his adventurous lif

November 2021

Mettete orti sui vostri balconi

Basil is not to be bought. Dried basil has no taste and if you take it fresh it should be used right away. Many do not know the smell of the tomato plant and give up the taste of eating a freshly picked cherry. And what about hot peppers, of which there are thousands of varieties? In supermarkets it is rare to find more than two or three, and we do not know what we

February 2022

Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti

Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti offers a brilliant account of Luigi Ghirri’s relationship with Puglia — a distinctive region at the heel of Italy, which was pivotal in establishing Ghirri’s career and continued to inspire him throughout it. A first visit in 1982 introduced Ghirri to Puglia’s whitewashed streets, luminescent nights, doorways and arches, potted cacti, funfairs, and beaches, as well as a group of artists, critics, and curators who would become his clo

December 2020

Clouds and Bombs

We, humans, have a special connection to clouds. We seem to recognize everything from faces to rearing horses reflected in these formations in the sky. But certain clouds signify something different than a mere approaching rainstorm or a vivid imagination. Those are the kind of clouds that are shaped by destruction, the kind that are pulled upwards and bloom like a mushroom after a nuclear detonation, or furiously rise over an erupting volcano and bec

December 2021

Cemetery. Journeys to the Elephant Graveyard and Beyond

Cemetery. Journeys to the Elephant Graveyard and Beyond compiles a selection of the visual and research materials accumulated during the development of the film and project Cemetery (2009–2019). This book presents the artist’s research process from early archival investigations to location photography, from drawings and diagrams to collages, from archive films to archive boards, shedding light on the early stages of the development of Cemetery. Inspired by and based on the elephant graveyard myth, the