Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

March 2024


COUNTER-TUTORIALS can be intended as a countercultural way of using the tutorial format. While having the same style and structure of more conventional tutorials and following the how-to formula typical of videos for educational purposes, COUNTER-TUTORIALS have decidedly different objectives and intended audiences and function as political tools to create awareness or generate social change. These kinds of tutorials have been discovered, researched, and used inside a number of workshops. The aim is to add

June 2020


Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen have been working together since 2007 to tell the story of Sochi, Russia, site of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. They returned repeatedly to this region in the midst of its preparation for the 2014 Winter Olympics establishing a solid foundation of research on and engagement with this small yet incredibly complicated place before of international media attention. By 2014 the area around Sochi will have been changed beyond recognition. Hornstra’s photog

April 2024

Falce e martello The Hammer and Sickle

Sickle and Hammer: Three of the Ways an Artist Can Contribute to the Class Struggle by Enzo Mari is the small catalogue that accompanied the exhibition at the Galleria Milano in 1973. Today the exhibition is presented again, with the same layout, in the same historic Milanese gallery; the anastatic reprint of the catalogue is enriched with photographs and documents from the Galleryʼs archives and the Mari Archive, as well as essays by Bianca Tre

July 2019


Omnipulsepunslide is the first artist's book by Sadie Murdoch (b. 1965). Murdoch immersed herself in the poems and manifestos of the Dada artists Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Emmy Hennings, Mina Loy, Juliette Roche and Gertrude Stein. The book’s title Omnipulsepunslide is a portmanteau word, a blend of multiple words and their sounds, combining their meanings into a new word, in homage to the Dada sound poetry of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and a play on words

October 2021


Jhalak is the Hindi term that translates into English as "glimpse" and into Italian as "intravedere, dare uno sguardo, un assaggio". Jhalak is just that, a glimpse, Ilaria Magliocchetti Lombi's glimpse of India, the result of the last of her many trips to this multiform and complex land. Jhalak has no pretensions to illustration, but wants to take her readers on a journey made up of apparitions, images of places and everyday life, captured and handed over to the

May 2023

Contact High

Both an artist’s book and comprehensive inquisition of D’Angelo Lovell Williams’s work to date, Contact High offers an expansive engagement with the visualisation of desire and depiction of the Black body. Williams’s narrative images reflect the many forms in which Black queer people exist and have existed historically within each other’s lives, picturing them as sitters, lovers, caregivers, or shadows. Williams’s work is guided by their life experience and