Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

February 2019


Lous Martens has five grandchildren – Jaap, Zeno, Anna, Julian, and Luca – and has begun making an animal scrapbook for each newcomer to the family. Although it is seventeen years since the first, Jaap, was born, none of the five books are finished yet. Consisting of loosely pasted pictures of animals that were clipped from newspapers and magazines about art, literature, and science, plus stamps and photographs from advertising brochures, the books are enjoyable for the

December 2020

were it not for

Michael Ashkin works across a range of media – painting, photography, sculpture, video, and text. Uniting these diverse practices is a conceptual focus on the way that notions of space and place, landscape and self, are shaped by wider political and economic forces. were it not for is combining a 670-line text with 218 photographs of the Mojave Desert. This combination creates a a powerful sense of unease throughout the document, which is exploring the idea of

February 2024

Day for Night

Day for Night collects 70 largely unpublished photographs made by Shibata between 1980 and 1988. The sequence interweaves night photographs with others taken during the day, but the apparent simplicity of the work ends there: the night scenes, characterized by the almost theatrical presence of intense light sources, seem like the subject of a Hopper painting, dreamlike and evocative. The photographs taken during the day, on the contrary, are pregnant with points of shadow, with the dar

November 2021

Flowers For Franco

The desire of photographing with a camera what can not be seen with the eyes is just one of the contradictions that lead me to publish this book. Between 2011 and 2014 I visited several times the “Valle de los Caídos”, with the intention of knowing, seeing and understanding what has been kept hidden from us, those born after transition and grown in democracy times. A democracy where specters and apparitions that we though long gon

May 2020


Enjoy! Here it is, the imperative that holds together our consumption and our own relationship with cultural products, whether it is video games, TV series, pop music or even daring treatises of critical theory. In this text, halfway between psychoanalysis and philosophy, Alfie Bown asks himself about the meaning and value of «enjoyment» in the context of late neoliberal apitalism: what distinguishes the way in which «we enjoy» of smartphone games like Candy Crush Sag

July 2021

Pandemic Postcards

Pandemic Postcards was born, like the best stories, out of a chance encounter. During the first period of confinement due to Covid-19, the photographer Nicola Bertasi, during his research, came across an American public photo archive in which he found evidence of some significant moments of the Spanish flu of 1918-19 in the United States. As in a foggy and confused dream, those images of the beginning of the 20th century, populated by figures wit