Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

September 2021

I made them run away

"It was summer and as many children did, I spent my days in a summer camp. One night I was very excited when I came home and after having had dinner with my grandmother I went upstairs, where my mother and I lived, with the intention of going to sleep. As I entered, I saw my mother and a man sitting on the couch watching television. My mother asked me how my day had been and

October 2021

Camminare sul fuoco. Lโ€™esperienza che trasforma

On the evening of December 1, 1985, at about eight o'clock, twelve million Italians, nailed in front of the television screen, watched the popular television presenter Mino Damato, while he walked on a carpet of burning embers four meters long. Despite the insistent warnings of doctors and scientists, who predicted very serious burns. Damato - as announced by Dr. Kurt E. Schweighardt, who had guided him during the experiment - remained perfectly unharmed. Even today there is no scientific explana

October 2021

Mastering the Elements

Mastering the Elements is a photographic research on the scientific exploration and conquest of nature from the beginnings of alchemy until the present day. As history shows, scientific findings often have profound implications for society and the lives of individuals. On the other hand, the underlying research is not per se unbiased, but subject to its respective social and historical environment as well as to varying commercial and political interests. Consequently, ethical questions not onl

March 2020


Drawn in chalk on the sidewalks of our cities, brandished during demonstrations in favor of womenโ€™s rights, the clitoris is displayed as a new means of action and advocacy. The body, long denied, misunderstood or repressed, asserts itself as much in the scientific and medical field as in the public and political space. Showing it as current knowledge describes it is the way for women to reclaim their bodies, their sexuality and their his

December 2022

Le insidie delle immagini

Which traps do images bring with them and what side effects do they bring into circulation? How has the language of photography opened up to an interaction with complex systems that have revolutionized the medium itself? Current metaphotography has had photography as its incipit, but then it has become a critique of the present future, written through an analysis of vision, also having in mind issues inherent in metalanguage, metamedium, metamodeling and metaverse. Artificial int

October 2023

Pornoterrorismo (Contro Cultura)

This is a book without concessions: a merciless critique of hypocrisy, a radical denial of censorship and self-censorship, a cry for the right of everyone to enjoy their body and sexuality as they please, a denunciation of conformism and, above all, an extreme apologia for freedom. The experiences narrated in the first person and an uncommon ideological insight make these pages a unique document. Straddling biography and philosophy, the author offers a profound reflection on