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Martin Bogren, AUGUST SONG, 2019

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“I photographed August Song during summers 2013- 1018 in rural parts of Sweden; venues hidden in the woods on the outskirts of the villages. A winding road leading into the forest, hidden away on its own and divided by a fence from the world out there / the outside world.

At the back, a stage with an orchestra playing patiently through the night. Two slow dances and then two quick –  song after song; all of them about love, while the crowd move slowly around the floor.

Surrounding it all a fence, and on the outside a parking lot hidden secretly underneath the pines. A place to get dressed,  putting make- up on, fight, drink and make love. Above, a dull summer night wich never completely hides the going on in the hollow.”

Martin Bogren

Martin Bogren
First Edition: 1000 copies
Curated by Caroline Benichou
Design by Bureau Kayser
88 pages, 21 x 28 cm
three tone printing.

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