THIS WEEK WE'RE OPEN FRIDAY 21ST AND SATURDAY 22ND. You can always come by appointment by calling or writing to

Hans Peter Feldmann, BILDER PICTURES, 2003


This reissue of the original 1975 publication collects Feldmann’s early picture booklets. These booklets were small format, black-and-white, cardboard covered, staple-bound, unsigned editions of 1,000 that contained found images from postcards, magazine photos and posters in Feldman’s “picture archive,” and images taken by the artist himself. In showing the omnipresence of reproduction in his works, Feldmann thematizes the missing original. The impulse to catalogue seems to be the natural follow-up to the possibility of endless reproduction. Bilder, as a document of the process, shows this maybe most compellingly of all.

Hans Peter Feldmann – Bilder Pictures
Walther Konig
334 pages
Without texts

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