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Throughout 2020 we had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the archive of Joan Fontcuberta, more specifically in the first years of his career as a photographer. There is no doubt that our search was partly influenced by the concept of contravision, fascinating for us and crucial in Fontcuberta’s trajectory. The contradiction refers to those elements that rub against the photographic language itself, that put it into question, that rise up against its logic. In our work of selecting and editing images – many of them unpublished – there has been a search for elements that tend towards the unreal, the magical, the dreamlike. What interested us was not only what appears in the image, but what it hides, what transcends, what makes us imagine; in short, all those images that in one way or another missed what we call reality.
Joan Fontcuberta, Contravisiones
Ediciones Anomalas, 2021
First edition
Coedition with Fundación Antonio Pérez
Texts by Diputación de Cuenca Textos de Joan Fontcuberta e Iván de la Nuez
108 pages
Hardcover with dust jacket
English / Spanish
ISBN 978-84-09-25735-5