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Foam Magazine, FOAM MAGAZINE #56 – ELSEWHERE, 2020

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This issue, #56 Elsewhere -The Other Issue, explores the many declinations of the word in connection to photography and visual culture. We investigate its creation and ramifications in relation to people and nature – along a spectrum that touches upon transhumanism and the ‘other-than-human’, in connection to the Anthropocene and ecology. The presented portfolios in Foam Magazine #56: Elsewhere – The Other Issue re-appropriate and redress entrenched power balances, propose forms of resistance, resilience and rejection, focus on under-represented communities, investigate the tourist’s gaze, expose the cabinet of curiosities and question stories and narratives that art history has provided us with.

In addition to the portfolios, the magazine presents a wide-ranging interview with Graciela Iturbide, the grande dame of Mexican photography, for whom the richness of the native cultures of Mexico and the need for the recognition of women’s rights are important sources of inspiration. The portraits of Graciela are a direct result of teamwork by Mexican-British artist Alinka Echeverría, whose work appeared in our 2017 Talent issue, and Graciela Iturbide herself. Moreover, the feature What’s New introduces a column by artist Laia Abril on her multi- year research On Misogyny. Laia Abril has recently been named recipient of the 2020 Foam Paul Huf Award.

Foam Magazine, #56 Elsewhere – The Other Issue

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