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Alessandro Ciccarelli, Leonardo Zaccone, Il lavoro del musicista (In accordo con Paul Éluard), 2023

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In the early 1940s, Paul Éluard wrote two short poems in seven chapters, “Le travail du poète” and “Le travail du peintre” dedicated to Pablo Picasso, a fraternal friend.
Before being published at the tail end of “Poésie ininterrompue,” the two produced together a rare small volume with Éluard’s poems and some of Picasso’s sketches.
This was the inspiration that guided Leonardo Zaccone, a poet and musician, and Alessandro Ciccarelli, a photographer and musician, in creating the fanzine.
The melatophonic notebook “The Musician’s Work”, in which graphic words and elusive images duet, suggesting an intimate dimension of being a musician, is the outcome of their musical collaboration.