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Book with a personal selection of paintings, drawings, early works, and writings. Compiled on the occasion of Dumas’ first solo show in South Africa, 30 years after moving to the Netherlands. Edited by Marlene Dumas, with text contributions by Emma Bedford, Marlene van Niekerk, Achille Mbembe and Sarah Nuttall. The 2007 edition was dedicated to Dumas’ mother who died that year. The revised 4th edition is dedicated to her 6 year older brother Pieter of whom we added a portrait: Die Baba, 1985 (oil on canvas, 130 x 110 cm).
Marlene Dumas, Intimate relations
Roma Publications, 2022
Fourth edition (slightly revised)
Design Roger Willems
21 x 26 cm
140 pages
ISBN 9789464460117