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Hamja Ahsan, Introfada. Lotta antisistema del militante introverso, 2019

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In this manifesto, Hamja Ahsan imagines a utopian nation – Aspergistan – in which the people of the shy, introverts and those on the autistic spectrum live. With subversive irony, he speaks to the bullied, socially awkward, marginalised and medicalised to encourage debate on the structures that determine social exclusion. It is a sophisticated satire that relies on anti-colonial theory and intersectionality to construct a critique of the dominant culture and the condition of mental health in capitalist society. The Introvert Militants and their operative unit, the Armed Isolationists, are a vanguard movement that aims to demolish the supremacist policies based on the assertive culture of the 21st century. Radicalised against the imperialist domination of the Introverts, they find refuge in Aspergistan, governed by Ssssh’ria law and subject to Pantimidist ideology, to protect the rights of the shy and quiet oppressed. Aspergistan strictly forbids the mainstream, all its policies are underground.

Hamja Ahsan, Introfada. Lotta antisistema del militante introverso

AAD Editore, 2019

Translated by Piernicola D’Ortona

Illustrated by Rose Nordin

10,5 x 1,6 x 16,6 cm


183 pages


ISBN: 9788867832484

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