Simon Boudvin’s work around grids took the form of photographs but also of drawings and texts. These creations highlight singular patterns made from identical graphic elements but variously assembled: basic geometric elements such as the rectangle, the rhombus and the circle.
Previous works by Simon Boudvin also testify to the intersection between art and architecture and a practice open to a multitude of mediums (photography, drawing, sculpture and texts), and materials (plaster, glass, natural materials, concrete, wood , iron …) The techniques, supports and social and cultural evolutions of architecture are addressed in the sculptural realization Tables 04 (Egleton) , dating from 2014, a set of concrete tables and benches cast in the earth, or in Ailanthus Altissima , a photographic and cartographic inventory in progress since 2011, of wild plants growing in the district where Simon Boudvin lives.
La troisième calamitè, Simon Boudvin
Collection SHOWCASE, 2017
20 pages
21 x 14,5 cm
ISBN 9791093306025