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Melanie Matthieu, LAMO LAVA, 2015

38 Euro

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‘Lâmo Lâva’ revolves around a journey undertaken by Zürich-based visual artist Melanie Matthieu to the pilgrimage site of Our Lady of La Salette in the French Alps, where an apparition is said to have occurred in 1846. The book consists of a photographic as well as a text-based section, each of which is distinctly bound into a hand-folded cover. The captivating analogue photographs meander between bodies and landscapes, between an outside and an inside. The textual section features an interplay of voices, including Léon Bloy, Camille Claudel, Roger Callois and Julia Kristeva. Every book in this numbered first edition contains a riso print.

Melanie Matthieu, Lamo Lava
Alauda Publications

2015, First edition/300

21 x 29 cm
122 pages, b/w ill., softcover

ISBN 9789081531498

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