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Family and school have always been considered the places par excellence where boys and girls, boys and girls, acquire an education. Colin Ward instead decides to explore a particular aspect of education that goes beyond these institutions: accident. Here then the urban streets, meadows, woods, spaces for games, school buses, school toilets, shops and craft shops are transformed into vital places capable of offering extraordinary educational opportunities. This informal education, aimed at creativity and resourcefulness, therefore represents a concrete alternative to structured and programmed learning that responds more to the needs of the institution and the teacher than to the needs of the so-called learner. In this way, a new and ancient approach to the transmission of knowledge is configured, capable of providing an effective response to that curiosity, to that natural and spontaneous need to learn, which are the basis of an authentically libertarian education.

Colin Ward (1924-2010) was an architect, journalist, teacher, but above all one of the greatest anarchist thinkers of the second half of the twentieth century.

Colin Ward, L’educazione incidentale
Elèuthera Editrice
254 pages, paperback

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