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A central figure in the international panorama of photography in the second half of the twentieth century, Luigi Ghirri was not only a prolific author of images, but also a critic, curator, essayist and promoter of a new photographic culture that placed this language at the center of the debate on contemporary art. In the volume we are presenting, all of Ghirri’s essays are collected together with a selection of interviews he gave throughout his career. This is a fundamental nucleus of texts, produced between 1973 and 1991, that makes a substantial contribution to the literature of the sector at a time of great change and lively ferment around the photographic medium itself. Alternately historical and technical, personal and theoretical, dedicated to his own work and that of other Italian and international protagonists in the history of photography, Ghirri’s writings originally appeared in books, catalogs, magazines and newspapers of the time. Gathered together in a single publication, they make it possible to retrace the articulated thematic, conceptual and poetic weave that lies behind Ghirri’s work, constituting at the same time a complex undertaking of excavation into the nature of photography.
Luigi Ghirri, Niente di nuovo sotto il sole
Quodlibet, 2021
14×22 cm
360 pages, no images
ISBN 9788822906144