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Until now, there has never been a linear and exhaustive history that provides a historiographical account of one of Italy’s longest-running LGBT associations: the Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli, founded in the heart of Rome exactly 40 years ago. This book contributes to the creation, fundamental for the consolidation of any historical identity, of a coherent, integral and official narrative, which can constitute a well-structured documentary analysis of the movement and its phases, a valuable source for archival and gender studies and a historiographical reference point for future research. The book, which will make the vast archive of the CCO Mario Mieli (Marco Sanna) available for browsing, is part of a reawakened interest, a symptom of the beginning of a process of historicisation of homosexual liberation movements.
Rivoluzionari3. 40 anni del Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli a Roma, Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli, TWM Factory
Tlon, 2023
208 pagine
ISBN: 9791255540212