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Giugno 2020

Nicola Nunziata, photographer

Album, published by Fw:Books, 2019 Album is a continuation of Nicola Nunziata’s research on the materiality of photographs and the photographic objecthood; Album is an essay/research focused on to the object and subject of the medium. During a residency fellowship started mid 2017 at the Istituto Centrale del Catalogo e della Documentazione (ICCD) in Rome – one of the biggest national photography archive in Italy and part of the National Heritage Ministry – Nu

Giugno 2020

Novella Oliana, artist

LO SPAZIO NECESSARIO (2019, in progress) LO SPAZIO NECESSARIO is a workshop focusing on the concept of the archive, considered as a place for reflecting on identity issues and on the representation of complex realities, determined by sudden transformations of the map and the territory. It is an interactive research programme which uses the photograph archive kept at the Eco Museo Urbano Mare Memoria Viva, based in Palermo.  Curated by Novell

Giugno 2020

Giovanna Silva, photographer and Humboldt Books editor in chief

Haris Epaminonda, Chapters I-XXX, published by Humboldt books, 2014 Haris Epaminonda uses video and film, collage, photography, books and objects in an extensive process of assembling and disassembling appropriated materials to reconstruct non-linear narratives. The artist works with found images from the past – sometimes faded travel photographs or the pages of old nature magazines, ethnographic artefacts or footage from forgotten television programmes. She then manipulates the images, cutting and layering, to create new wo

Giugno 2020

Peter Lang, curator

Material Culture, its myths and its futures: a public workshop proposal Material Culture is a creative public Workshop, with documentation assembled in a public environment and publication. The public workshop would be run by R-lab N_A, together with Marvels and Catastrophes. Architects and designers have long been fascinated with new technologies but also with ancient and archetypal forms of material culture, that broaden our understanding of local cultures, and in