Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

May 2024

La festa dei semplici – Carnevale di Teana

In co-edition with Atelier Bizzarro, La Festa dei semplici is back, this time with a photographic collection of the carnival of Teana: photographs, illustrations, stories and imagery that evoke the age-old ritual of eliminating the old to make way for the new, in a mixture of pagan and Christian rites where Carnival is attributed all the faults of the past year, the vices and misdeeds, the scapegoat. Carnival inevitably ends up condemned by the ent

September 2019


I AM NOT I is an iconic series of self-portraits made by Boris Mikhailov in the early 1990s right after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Acting for the camera, the artist plays the role of an antiheroic figure contrasting with the strong and masculine stereotype previously connected with the regime, whose echo reverberates through he pure and sober black and white adopted for every imagers. Mikhailov, who always investigated the boundaries of photography and

December 2019


There was a Canaletto hanging in a tilted fashion in the living room. There was a Matisse winking at the dog. Such was the home of Felicia’s grandmother, profound evidence of major cultural sophistication which informed her talent and gave birth to Felicia’s perception. Most passionately evident in Felicia’s images is her seductive talent for living within the moment. This collection has an ironic fascinati

November 2020

L’âge des techniciens

Lauren Huret works closely on systems of beliefs linked to machines. For her, nothing is clear in this world: there is the mystery of growth, the unintelligibility of communication mediums, the cult of information, the secret of dynamic flows. As for him, Pacôme Thiellement writes essays that he considers as popular culture hermeneutics. He works on topics as varied as David Lynch, Frank Zappa et mysticism. For him, popular productions like Buffy the Vam

November 2020


Birds was inspired by Jim Goldberg’s Rich and Poor, a collection of photographs of rich and poor Americans, each with a handwritten statement by the subject, thereby creating a heart gripping portrait of the USA. It was a logical step to have an ornithologist (a fictional ornithologist) portrait birds in a similar way, for they have just as much to say about the human condition. If people would only listen.   “I

December 2020

Oltre il bosco

The woods as a privileged place for self-exploration. The woods as a plant community where to recognize the value of diversity, where to recognize life in all its forms, its industriousness, its beauty; the f woods as a place of wonder. The woods as a master of natural time, of its flow, of its slowness or speed, of its rhythm, where to recognize the change as it occurs, where to reconstruct one's time of attent