Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

February 2020


Howalt’s fascination of Finsen’s experiments and apparatus is based on the obvious similarities between the basic elements of photography and Finsen’s medical phototherapy. In both cases, light rays are passed through specially crafted lenses and filters onto photosensitive material. Finsen discovered that invisible light rays, at the periphery of the electromagnetic spectrum, had the property to heal. It is these same rays Howalt is interested in, now taking advantage of the sun

November 2019


On the Maintenance of Supremacy, the Ethnological Museum and the Intricacies of the Humboldt Forum The institution of the ethnological museum or world museum seems to be in the midst of a serious crisis of choking. The delicacies that most of these museums have acquired, which is to say co-opted, which is to say ingested, seem to have collectively missed the track to the oesophagus and got stuck in the respiratory tract. They

April 2020


Bookbinding is a unique and essential reference guide for designers, explaining industrial bookbinding techniques with a focus on the design and conception of print products. Packed full of insights from the world’s best bookbinders, it contains everything you need to know about folding, stitching and binding to create beautiful books. Franziska Morlok has worked at Sagmeister inc, Leonardi.Wollein and Fons Hickmann m23 and currently runs her own studio, Rimini Berlin. Miria

September 2019


In this volume the author examines the many ways there are for expressing oneself without using words, using not just hands but also facial expressions and gestures using the whole body. [...] With the passage of time, many of these Neapolitan expressions have spread to the rest of Italy and even the rest of the world. Some expressions have become a part of our everyday language, like the American ‘OK.’ This is why we have decided

October 2019


In 1914, industrialist Josep Galceran Trepat created an industry for the production of agricultural machinery that would become one of the economic driving forces of Spain during the twentieth century. Cultivated man, attentive to the dynamics of the art of his time, Mr. Trepat commissioned to some of the great masters of international photography for advertising and corporate image of his company. He was a connaisseur and very passionate about the work of Man Ray, Alb

October 2019


The orgasmic force favors no organ over any other, so that the penis possesses no more orgasmic force than the vagina, the eye, or the toe” Paul B.Preciado Pleasure rocks is a research on unconventional pleasures and new imaginaries. It is an interdisciplinary project that uses different media: photography, performance, sound. Pleasure Rocks is an artistic collaboration with the artist and photographer Alessia Bernardini and it has been developed