Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

September 2019


Impossible to do nothing during this convalescence. Sleeping for eighteen hours, day and night merging together in episodes, exhausted by the medication andthe virus. Need to make the most of this quarantine. Taking photographs, without seeing clearl y, with out controlling anything, of piles of papers (prospectuses, early stages of drawings, mail to attend to), because the strength to tidy them up is not there.Finding them, later, t hese little abandoned pictures on the

June 2019


“Bulqizë” narrates the life of a small town in the north-east of Albania, known as the city of miners. After the discovery of chrome in 1939 and the opening of the first mines in 1948, the city became the third largest producer of this mineral in the world. I went to Bulqizë for the first time in 2013. The first impact took me back in time. The gray buildings that faced the main street outlined a city tha

May 2019


This book puts a point to the creative path of a life: the photographer reveals himself, shows his life, the everyday landscapes, the affections. Painting, photography, the handcraft ability, the sea, the town: everything is shown for the first time as a puzzle that builds day by day "the normal life" of a school teacher, an husband, a father, yet silently filled with creative vitality and feeling. Each of the 60 copies is different from the other: each

March 2019


Wandering stars have occupied the human mind across centuries and millennia, along with the quest to explore and colonize cosmic space. Is there something in us that refuses to believe that we are alone in the universe? Does our longing for the stars conceal something different? To what extent can fiction shape future realities? The construction of such inquiries are at the centre of Marjolijn Dijkman’s work, which pivots around humankind’s fascination for

March 2019


Jan Kempenaers has been photographing urban and natural landscapes for over two decades. For this series of images, he applies the formal language of the documentary style, with its detached viewpoint emphasizing the isolation and desolation of the strange structures in the frame. This causes a heightened sense of inaccessibility in the viewer, a sense of alienation exacerbated by the alien nature of the structures themselves. What are these objects, who built them, and why

February 2019


Sybren Vanoverberghe’s work is based on the translocation of places and people, and lends a personal perspective on the interchangeability of locations. Recurring motifs are elements of history, nature, and the legacy people leave behind. ‘2099’ contains images of remembrance linked to the constant evolution of history and its repetitive character. From an associative basis, manipulated icons and deconstructed places create a new overview of the present. It can be both a prophecy for the