Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

February 2019


Early Times is the first chapter of Vasantha Yogananthan’s long-term project A Myth of Two Souls, which offers a contemporary retelling of The Ramayana. A seven-chapter tale first recorded by the Sanskrit poet Valmiki around 300 BC, The Ramayana is one of the founding epics of Hindu mythology. Since 2013, Yogananthan has been travelling from north to south India, retracing the itinerary of the epic’s heroes. Between fiction and reality, he deliberately blurs t

February 2019


The first march of gentlemen by Rafal Milach is a fictitious narrative composed of authentic stories. Historical events related to the town of Wrzesnia came to be the starting point for reflection on protest and disciplinary mechanisms. In the series of collages, the reality of 1950s Poland ruled by the communists blends with the memory of the Wrzesnia children’s strike from the beginning of the 20th century. This shift in time is not

April 2020


Kit to learn Japanese binding techniques, allows you to learn how to make a notebook with Japanese stitching. In Japan they make the binding of notebooks on sight, thus being able to create drawings with the wire in combination with the paper. In the kit there are the basic tools to make your notebooks at home. The tools are specifically designed to make notebooks at home or in a small laboratory.

May 2020


By the term «hyperobjects» Timothy Morton designates entities of such a spatial and temporal dimension as to break our very idea of what an «object» is. The most dramatic example is undoubtedly global warming, which in turn forces the human being to become aware that «there is no outside» and that our existence takes place in fact within a continuous series of hyperobjects.«Viscous» and «non-local», hyperobjects cling to our lives, dragging us into a d

November 2021

Muddy Dance

Muddy Dance celebrates the movement in a game of football (aka soccer). The players perform a seemingly choreographed dance on a muddy pitch, leaping, twirling, and tumbling in their pursuit to control the ball. The athletes’ normally acrobatic endeavour is only further complicated by rainy weather and a waterlogged field of grass. Erik Kessels has made a football photobook for art lovers which is simultaneously an art book for every football fan. With vintage act

December 2022

Archivio volume uno

Palermo, 1984. The second Mafia war has ended with the confirmation of the Corleonesi, in July Giovanni Falcone flies to Brazil to talk to Buscetta, paving the way for the maxi-trial and the season remembered as the Palermo Spring; Fabio Sgroi is nineteen years old and begins photographing friends and the city's punk scene. The following year, thanks to the camera, he found a job at the newspaper L'Ora and, in addition to portraits of fr