Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

June 2020


With this publication, Fabian Reimann embarks on a journey into the Warburg universe and explores the concepts of the world put forward by the ever-popular science-fiction writer H. G. Wells (1866 โ€“ 1946). His novel The World Set Free, which was published in 1914, anticipated various future scenarios: World War I, aerial warfare over Europe, atomic bombs in 1956, the reconstruction of Europe, and the emergence of a world government. There are descriptions of progressive gender equality, English as the

September 2024

M.A.D. Movimento Autunomo delle Donne

The text describes and documents the personal and political context of the rupture that feminism, unexpectedly global and almost planetary, activates in the 1970s with widespread practices of women's relationships and politics. In the case of MAD these are very young women, together, united by desire and practice for Women's Freedom put, necessarily and for the first time, in the foreground. โ€œIt was 1975 when feminism exploded onto the media scene and became the subj

May 2019


Doug's Cabin is a photo book that takes us in the footsteps of Doug, a man who has lived in the forests of Vancouver Island (CA) for 47 years. Karianne Bueno met him at his campsite in 2010 and was fascinated by his life in such a remote world. She always dreamed of a life away from society, and decided to visit Doug again with her camera two years later. Over the years, Bueno's tangi

July 2020


The challenges to our species have never been more obvious, yet the required actions have never seemed more impossible. After several decades, Just-in-Time production (only making what you need, only when you need it) has become a generalised model. We now expect everything on demand, from clothing to houses, and food to friends. The unreal magic by which objects come into being has also changed our relationship with the process of making. Increas

June 2021

La scomparsa dei riti – una topologia del presente

Today's obsession with an authenticity based on the narcissism of the ego, the constant search for the new and the unprecedented, the consumerist bulimia of the disposable that pervades every field determine, in the relationships and practices that characterize contemporary society, an increasingly evident and symptomatic disappearance of ritual forms. However, the immutable and repetitive structure, as well as the theatricality of gestures and the attention paid to the "beautiful appearance", give the rites a deeply unifyi

April 2024

Tacita Dean: Landscape, Portrait, Still Life

An exploration of the work of Tacita Dean OBE RA, published to accompany her 2018 exhibitions at the National Portrait Gallery, the National Gallery and the Royal Academy of Arts, with contributions from Tacita Dean, Alexandra Harris, Alan Hollinghurst and Ali Smith. In 2018, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Gallery, the Royal Academy of Arts are hosting major exhibitions of the work of Tacita Dean. Each will provide a different encounter with the filmmak