Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

July 2020


The contemporary 24-hour news cycle is a swirling gyre of political and economic intrigue, a rolling wave that surges ceaselessly, always building power but never forming a crest. To surf the slipstream of the news is to be forever on the brink of BREAKING. Against all the uncertainty and fear, nothing seems more eternal, more universal and (unlike our political leaders) quite so strong and stable as love. Summer 2017 is therefore dedicated to what

January 2024

I am not a Robot

Yin and yang, black and white, 0 and 1 are the symbols underlying everything. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz came to this conclusion around 1700, when he found confirmation of his ideas in the hexagrams of the Book of Changes, written in China six and a half centuries earlier. In 1854, George Boole published the foundations of Boolean Algebra (according to which 0 is false and 1 is true). In 1949, Boolean logic was adopted by Claude Shannon to explain the operat

April 2024

The Night Issue – nยฐ05

The fifth issue of The Light Observer is dedicated to the night, which immediately evokes a range of ideas, feelings and memories. It is precisely this multiplicity that prompted us to explore this theme in our new issue. Sometimes a space of expression and freedom, sometimes a moment of tension and fear, the night stimulates and exasperates. It makes us reflect on our dreams. Featured Contributors Henni Alftan, Tracy Fullerton, Awoiska van der Mole

December 2020

Ballad of Woods and Wounds

The woods of Monferrato and Roero, the limits imposed by confinement, the exploration of oneself and the natural environment, in a close dialogue between the photographs by Tomaso Clavarino and the illustrations by Patrizio Anastasi, which confront each other, resemble each other, overlap. Ballad of Woods and Wounds is a stream of consciousness, an investigation of pure places lived in a period of tension and disorientation, during the lockdown in Italy and in a define

April 2020


Por Maniobras del Terceto tells an intimate story, which envelops the whole practice of the artist looks at herself and not on photography. Clara, as we will see, we will be able to learn much more from this book than from her extensive and intense participation in photographic exhibitions, either as an artist or as a curator. Por Maniobras del Terceto -along with his latest book, Piedra-Padre, Universo (2017)- wraps up a proposa

March 2024

Finzioni reali

'Real Fictions' is a critical reflection that explores the complex relationship between reality, art and representation. Through a detailed and engaging analysis, Hal Foster takes us on an intellectual journey that examines the metamorphosis of critical and artistic thought from late modernity to the present day. Foster moves his investigation from the work of German artist Thomas Demand. In his works, Demand introduces a 'blurring' to activate the real: barely perceptible details strike the viewer's gaze, activ