Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

November 2020

Campagna Romana

The countryside south and east of Rome around the ruins of the Claudian Aqueduct is an artist's paradise. Its rare light, its evocations of ancient Roman civilization enchant the camera just as they attracted such painters as Claude, Turner, and Corot. Writers, too, have fallen under its spell - from Horace and Pliny the Elder to Goethe and Henry James. "Few other scenes on earth combine in one glance such a myriad of mighty associations," wrote

April 2020


One of the most interesting Italian contemporary artists, Marco Raparelli takes us with his drawings to his ironic and edgy world; Human is a State of Mind is a collective portrait of a humanity with bizarre attitudes and mad daily sceneries. A parallel universe crossing the social and the political by presenting situations and sentiments free from rhetorics, between truth and fiction, reason and irony. Raparelli catches defects, manias and contradictions with an imprecise and

February 2021

Visions and Documents

Every one of us has a geography which, through our gaze, permits the perception of the physical world we live. Landscape exists only through our own experience. Perception of the external world occurs by selecting, consciously or unconsciously, the information to be elaborated through a cultural and visual map belonging to each one of us and transformed through our personal language of symbols. Each landscape is therefore unique and has a character which can be u

November 2021

Quaestiones Perversas

The Anhoek School is a nomadic pedagogical experiment that analyzes educational structures and investigates alternatives to traditional North American methods for learning. Under the auspices of the school, the Anhoek Record Examination–an obscene form of the Graduate Record Examination–aims to gum the data production and collection of standardized testing as well as question the ideological underpinnings behind it. Compiled by Beatriz E. Balanta and Mary Walling Blackburn, Quaestiones Perversas gathers together unruly rec

January 2020


This book is much more than just an autobiography. It is a jazz improvisation featuring a fusion of personal memoirs and ideas for a better society. It encompasses projects, drawings and photographs, partnerships and disputes. The author expresses his passion for big cities and public spaces, his love for his family and friends, his trust in education and active citizenship. However we want to read it, it makes us realize how architecture is a fun

October 2019


Every woman inherits two X chromosomes, one of which can be paternal. Alba Zari uses the medium of photography as a visual method of investigation writing self-analysis notes to research the father that she never met. The missing Y. Zari interprets photography as the poetic of her resarch. She documents with scientific rigor and in real time through specific photographic languages. She has a few clues of her father: his name, the Iraqi nationa