Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

January 2019


In April 2013, photographers Nico Krebs and Taiyo Onorato, who have been working together for a dozen years, loaded up their 1987 Toyota Land Cruiser in Switzerland and headed east. They’d already roughly traced their route by running a finger across the map of Eurasia to their ultimate destination, Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia. It felt like setting forth on an expedition to the mystical realms of the East: Eurasia, Central Asia, the foothills of

September 2021

Saluti e baci

Saluti e baci - Esercizi di evasione is one of the examples of how Bruno Munari's imagination could reinvent any cue from reality, turning it into a game. Postcards reinvented and "personalized" through games of cuts and inserts, and reconstructions with funny notes in the margin. All you have to do is follow the braid of pink thread that emerges from the cover to get lost in upside-down crypts, church gables submerged in the sea, and Leonardo's Last Su

June 2020


A new form of investigative practice that uses architecture as an optical device to investigate armed conflicts and environmental destruction. In recent years, the group Forensic Architecture began using novel research methods to undertake a series of investigations into human rights abuses. Today, the group provides crucial evidence for international courts and works with a wide range of activist groups, NGOs, Amnesty International, and the UN. Forensic Architecture has not only shed new lig

September 2021


Fiori deals with the theme of losing and with it, what remains after something or someone dear to us ceases to exist, stops being next to us.  Fiori was born from a collection of over seventy shots in Polaroid 600 (Round Gold Frame Series) taken at the flower market in Rome over the course of several months. The work immediately becamean exercise, a research practice. The Polaroid reproductions are in edition of 10 + a.p. the

November 2020

Six Hands and a Cheese Sandwich

A book about books, a catalogue and an art/bookwork in its own right. By now the appropriation and paraphrasing of Ed Ruscha constitutes a genre of its own. The first were 1968 Bruce Nauman with Burning Small Fires and 1971 ‘Ed Ruscha’ (actually Joel Fisher) with Six Hands and a Cheese Sandwich, with further appropriations or hommages over the decades, and in the last years it almost became fashionable, the evidence is massive. There is actua

March 2024

Archivi impossibili

Long before the spread of social networks and recording media made us all potential archivists, contemporary artists rethought forms of cataloguing using languages and media at their disposal, often drawing inspiration from visual compendia and "portable museums" of illustrious 20th-century antecedents such as Warburg's Bilderatlas and Malraux's imaginary museum. From Gerhard Richter's atlas, a collection of thousands of images used as iconographic sources for painting, to Hanne Darboven's album, a monumental cosmology condensing persona