Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

December 2020


Movement of body in dance here becomes the ritual with which we try to overcome the gravitational pull: dance is a representation of the myth of flight, of lightness. And this continuous physical struggle of the mass against the attractive force of the ground, of the artist against the tireless search for answers, is the very soul of movement. This book, in its collector's version, is itself a paper representation of movement: it is a diap

November 2022


Effìmero (or efìmero) adj. [from late Latin ephemĕrus, gr. ἐφήμερος, comp. of ἐπί "above" and ἡμέρα "day"]. - 1. a. Which lasts only one day [...] Ephemeral is a poetic homage, in images, to the mountains. "Antonio Di Cecco's landscapes stand on very thin, evanescent entities. They force us to poke around what appears indistinct, mobile, without matter. A constant work of subtraction of weight, now to the already rarefied air, now to human figures, now to the gaze. The search for a "pensive l

March 2024

Yes to All

So many have photographed the Alps seeking naturalism, the traditional, the wild and the pure. Concepts that belong to the imaginary mythology of the mountains much more than to its current anthropological dimension, made up of contradictions and habits that look a damn sight like those of the lowland world. Yes to All is a photographic survey of the anthropization of the Alps, by Mattia Micheli and Nicolò Panzeri. Yes to All is the new

December 2023

Home is home (All alone)

Home is more than dwelling, living is more than occupying a space. With his shots, Guido Gazzilli reveals his personal odyssey in search of a place to stay, to be able to say 'it feels good here'. For that comforting conviction that we live a space - indeed, a quantity of spaces - much more than a time.    

September 2023

On nous a dit qu’il n’y avait rien et nous sommes allés le chercher

“ This project has developed in two movements: that of the very action of walking, of covering the nooks and crannies of a given territory, and that of the continuous interrogation that, rather than search for answers, strove to think up new questions that would enable us to strike up a dialogue about possible realities. These walks were also stimulated by a double approach, that of photography and that of anthropology, that simultaneously suggested two dif

March 2023

I Capelli del Giuggiolo

The time of a childhood, a mother's care, a sister's hair to comb, warmth, life immersed in a lush nature that nourishes and repairs. But everything is quickly annihilated. The outbreak of war is sudden, loved ones are lost, fear advances, fire destroys, and a girl finds herself thrown into a colder, livelier, often incomprehensible country. She is alone. Memories and hopes blur with reality, her story is analyzed, vivisected in search of data and obj