Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

October 2020


Between 1974 and 1975, the American photographer John Divola – then in his mid twenties and without a studio of his own – travelled across Los Angeles in search of dilapidated properties in which to make photographs. Armed with a camera, spray paint, string and cardboard, the artist would produce one of his most significant photographic projects entitled Vandalism. In this visceral, black and white series of images Divola vandalised vacant homes with abstract constellations of graffiti-like marks, rit

December 2021

The hero mother

Puklus deconstructs and questions the dynamics of the pre-established female and male roles: motherhood as an alleged heroic activity and the supposed duty of the father to build and protect the home. His search breaks down the traditional symbols associated with maternal and paternal figures in a playful yet critical way. Outside the confines of the photographic studio, he develops an original visual vocabulary around parental life and issues related to the construction of the

February 2022

Sub Sole

“Sub Sole" (in Latin, beneath the sun), an ensemble of photographs made between 2017 and 2020, in the region of the Mediterranean Sea, follows the mythological itinerary of the voyage of Ulysses: Ceuta, Naples, Athens, Palermo, Istanbul, Tunis and Lampedusa. Crossroads of cultures, cradle of foundation myths, the Mediterranean is, today more than ever, marked by migrations, exile and displacement. Over the course of seven voyages and numerous chance encounters, Mascaro goes in search of the young peo

December 2021

London 82′

In the early 1980's, Sunil Gupta enrolled at the Royal College of Art in London, where he had access to colour negative processing facilities. He took to the streets of the capital in search of the centres gay London life around Earl’s Court, King’s Road, and the West End. "I hoped to repeat my experience of Christopher Street in New York, except now in London and in colour. It wasn’t to be. Even what a

December 2019


The brute matter to be molded and shaped: marble. The metaphysical landscape of the quarries, the colossal task, the continuous alternation of full, angles and nuances experienced as a soul-search.  

May 2019


“Ultimo Domicilio” was born in 2008 when, during a trip to Sarajevo and Mostar, Castore photographs interiors of houses abandoned during the war, suddenly left with all the personal belongings belonged to those who lived there. Over the years the work develops into a solid structure, entirely personal, as is the mode of Castore. The houses of the war of Sarajevo and Mostar meet in this work the house of history (Finale Ligure), the house of