Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

November 2021


Analyzing the different aspects that describe the landscape of the Italian North East and dwelling on the reading of the critical factors attributable to the progressive processes of dispersion and fragmentation, typical of this particular geographical area, OMNE - Mobile Observatory North East continued the photographic campaigns started in 2016 by entrusting five artists in residence and three invited photographers with an investigation on the Veneto territory proposing a reflection on the term Beauty. The volume is concei

May 2021

23 Drawings For Adults Only

How are children born? How do drawings come about? How are bodies reproduced graphically, and how do humans and other animals mate? Elisa Abela plays at superimposing the questions of life and art, at combining great existential questions and occasional riddles, but also at declining with childish language the contents that adults reserve for themselves. 23 Drawings For Adults Only is a catalog of snapshots, scribbles made with pencil or wax colors, impressed on paper

September 2021

For H

On a daily basis, Gijs Assmann sends his lover, H., a handmade collage by post. Assmann started this ritual in November 2009. These collages are a daily exercise for Assmann, which give us an insight in the dazzling head of the artist. Furthermore, the collages show us that love is versatile, and more complex than we sometimes tell ourselves. Assmann shows us that love is not static and clear-cut, but that it is alive and sho

October 2021

Animal Books For Jaap Zeno Anna Julian Luca

Lous Martens has five grandchildren โ€“ Jaap, Zeno, Anna, Julian, and Luca โ€“ and has begun making an animal scrapbook for each newcomer to the family. Although it is seventeen years since the first, Jaap, was born, none of the five books are finished yet. Consisting of loosely pasted pictures of animals that were clipped from newspapers and magazines about art, literature, and science, plus stamps and photographs from advertising brochures, the books are enjoyable for the

June 2019


I think of fontanesi as a sixteenth century illustrator who, when faced with the task of representing a whale, realizes not only must he depict something which he has never seen but something which bears no relation to that which swims, runs of flies the earth. And so, before the misterious and the unknown, he must invent his own cetology using the tales and descriptions of the sailors. fontanesi reconstructs reality based on a distan

March 2021

Box Camera Now

Box Camera NOW offers a unique insight into a new generation of Box Camera photographers working on the street and studios with primarily homemade cameras. These rudimentary tools follow a history of street photographers who worked around the globe in parks and on street corners, creating cheap memorabilia and first-time photographic experiences for the masses. These Box Cameras have many names in different languages Afghan Box Camera, Street Box, Camera Minuteros, Lambe Lambe, Cuban Pol