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Alessandro Mininno, Graffiti Writing in Italy 1989–2021, 2021

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The book talks about graffiti writing, or more simply, writing. About tags, sprays, streets and letters. With the photographs and words of its protagonists, it tells the birth and evolution of this phenomenon in Italy, how a handful of kids changed the face of our cities forever. All it took was minimal resources, a lot of perseverance and a fair dose of style. Signatures appear on the ground, on lamp posts, on tall buildings, in the tunnels of the metro and on public transport. They are the triumph of overbearing individualism, a reaction to the city itself that tends to dissolve the individual.

Alessandro Mininno

Graffiti Writing in Italy 1989–2021

bruno, 2021

10,5×18 cm



English, Italian

ISBN 978-88-99058-57-9

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