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David Jiménez, Tiempo Cero, 2022

20 Euro


11 in stock

Tiempo cero is a book that proposes a singular alliance between the sequence of stills from an audiovisual produced by David Jiménez and a chapter from the novel Lo demás es aire by Juan Gómez Bárcena, which here adopts a sort of versified form. Within a game of seemingly random permutations, the subtle combination of these images illuminates hidden resonances and symmetries. The selected fragment of the Cantabrian writer’s work establishes a singular dialogue with the images, and from a geological perspective confronts the very human impossibility of conceiving the passage of time.

David Jiménez, Tiempo Cero

Infinito Books, 2022

In collaboration with Biblioteques de Barcelona

Text Juan Gómez Bárcena

16×10,5 cm

160 pages



ISBN 978-84-948542-2-4

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