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October 2021

ExhibitionPresentationWorkshop October 14th - December 24th,

Daniele Villa Zorn, The Divine Tourist curated by Chiara Capodici exhibition and books display

Exhibition opening

The Divine Tourist is a project by Daniele Villa Zorn, an elliptical and erratic tale built through a progressive development of analogue collages made by the artist over the past five years.
On the occasion of the exhibition at Leporello’s, Villa Zorn will intervene on the space of the bookstore with his visual imagery and will present the dummy of the publication together with a selection of originals and a selection of books dedicated to collage. During the period of the exhibition Villa Zorn will hold The Divine Collage, three workshop meetings dedicated to the history and technique of collage.

Here the press release

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The Divine Collage
3 workshop on collage curated by Daniele Villa Zorn

The workshops aim to outline some of the main declinations of collage universe in three encounters, exploring the practice, through the availability of a large selection of original analogue materials to work on.

Sunday 17th October (Un)limited combinations: unrepeatable art boundaries

Sunday 24th October Collage and utopia: de-constructing the self and building the world

Sunday 7th November We don’t need another hero: explosion of meaning or art of persuasion?

Here all the details about the workshops

Info and subscriptions:

The diary of an imaginary journey, in collage
I’ve always made collages with photographic materials. I use a simple, minimal technique, which can be associated with the composition of haiku: I combine only two photographic fragments, two images, one of which is generally marked by a tear.
Over the years, much of my production oriented towards the use of images of nature, taken from travel books and guidebooks, mainly from the 1950s to the early 1970s, in which natural elements and landscapes are still portrayed in a way that is timeless, at once reassuring and mesmerizing.
In the process of subverting this Olympian placidity with fragmentation and reorganization through collage, I have always imagined traveling and exploring new, exotic, distant, revealing worlds. Mirrors, or rather, omens of more innermost changes to be read through their ambiguous appearances.
In traveling in time and space through the images presented here, I imagined myself as a very detached tourist, with the gift of ubiquity and infinite possibilities of movement, wandering for a day like a privileged alien in an fictitious universe, in search of clues but also of a simple visual satisfaction. A divine tourist. This idea of ‘divine’ also connects for me to the action of ‘divination’, of interpreting supernatural signs (sent by gods, demons, entities) – a kind of intangible, yet concrete matter, where time and vision interweave. And if divination can be seen as a systematic method used to organize what seems to be disjointed, this seems to me to fit perfectly with the definition of collage.

-Daniele Villa Zorn

Hours and Infos

Thursday October 14th
live on Instagram from 7 pm

Leporello, Via del Pigneto, 162/e – Roma