Leporello will be closed from SaturdFrom September, the bookstore will be open only on Thursday and Friday afternoons, in addition to days when there are presentations or workshops. We will still often be there, perhaps even in the mornings, but before you stop by check google, the website or our social media, or just give us a call. It will always be possible to come by appointment, by calling and or emailing us at info@leporello-books.com

January 2024


Where floating memories surface. Water gives back dimension to the forgotten, transparent and helplessbody, draws the boundary, sustains and blesses. A path of reappropriation of one's own bodily dimension, crossing the darkness of certain corners of the mind, where emptiness and self-forgetfulness lurk, where thought becomes slow, the gaze blurred and the body with all its pulsing, disappears. Nature accompanies, becomes a mirror, a cavern and a cradle, outlines dimension, draws grooves, bestows co

May 2020


Since 1995, Italian photographer Guido Guidi has been working on photographic studies of the Brion family’s memorial vault, designed by Carlo Scarpa and located in San Vito d'Altivole. Scarpa (1906–1978) is one of the twentieth century’s most important architects; this monument was designed in the 1970s, and it is considered one of his most important works. Using a large-format camera, Guidi—an admirer of Scarpa’s work—has observed and examined the burial site at d

September 2021


‘We live our lives in widening circles, rarely appreciating their nature and how they bring us back. In a year, my daughter will be leaving home and is no stranger to a similar wanderlust I once knew. As a father, I always felt it was important to instill a profound sense of place, to identify with a certain place as home, even as these ideals have, over recent years, taken on relative meaning. I pho

November 2020

Misurazioni. Fotografia e territorio

"Misurazioni is an instrumental book, a composite and ambiguous object. A complex path made up of refined analogies, studies of form and anthropological immersions. Inside the volume, which can be considered the summa of Mario Cresci's work, reside all the deepest intentions and peculiarities. This is his second publication after Matera, images and documents (1974) and, like the previous one, this volume is also built at the perfect halfway between popular book and artist's book: because the b

May 2020


This collection of partly unpublished texts and images for the first time recomposes the many aspects of a work that has the most unique and rare feature of presenting itself as dispersed in its multiplicity. From time to time narrator, film screenwriter, theater author, journalist, literary critic. An art critic, always engaged in the great causes of humanity - from the fate of migrant workers in Europe to recent testimonies on the Palestinian reality - John Berger has chos

November 2020

Fantastic Architecture

Primary Information reprinted Fantastic Architecture, making the book widely available for the first time since it was originally published: first in 1969 by Droste Verlag in German (with the title Pop Architektur) and later in 1970 by Something Else Press as Fantastic Architecture. Edited by Dick Higgins and Wolf Vostell, this artist’s book/anthology explores the boundaries between pop art and architecture through writings and projects by key artists and thinkers of the 1960s and ear