Dall'22 al 26 ottobre siamo aperte tutti i giorni, dalle 16 alle 20. Da settembre la libreria sarà aperta solo il giovedì e il venerdì pomeriggio, oltre ai giorni in cui ci saranno presentazioni o laboratori. Saremo spesso comunque lì, magari anche la mattina, ma prima di passare controllate su google, sul sito o sui nostri social, o semplicemente fateci una chiamata. Sarà sempre possibile venire su appuntamento, chiamandoci e o scrivendoci a info@leporello-books.com.

Settembre 2020

Andrea Botto, artist

19.06_26.08.1945, book, published by Danilo Montanari Editore, Ravenna 2014 At the end of the Second World War, the artist’s grandfather, Primo Benedetti, comes home after two years of imprisonment as an Italian Military Internee in the German labor camps. He carries a small journal upon which he takes note of all the cities passed along his journey. About seventy years later, Andrea Botto retraces this itinerary within an artist’s book, published in

Settembre 2020

Sveva Taverna, photographer

Arraicas (Roots), photographic work, in progress Nowadays a kind of 'normality' is disappearing. The normality of a peasant, archaic, ancestral world, for which our twentieth-century 'poet of meat' Pier Paolo Pasolini fought. The photographic project Arraicas aims to tell human abilities shown within this context. Chosen land: Sardinia’s rugged and wild backcountry, depicted through women faces and bodies, whilst they engage in daily routine; these women seem to have passed through centuries before

Settembre 2020

Erik Göngrich, artist

Warburgs AUTO CINEMA, project proposal During his residency in the German Academy Villa Massimo, Erik Göngrich wandered around the city taking picures and drawings now collected in the publication Atlas of Sculptural Situations, published by eeclectic, and worked on the Pigneto area, where urban planning coexist and sometimes blends in with spontaneous architecture, seamlessly from the 50s on, focussing on a small two-storeys concrete structure in via del Pigneto. The house frame

Settembre 2020

Sara Benaglia, artist

LVNATICA (Research project. July 2020) LVNATICA is a short draft of a book that I started to write few months ago. Its object of research is the interpretation of the “V” gesture in paintings realized by illustrious artist of Manerism in the territories of La Serenissima in the 16th century.The iconographic apparatus stems form and then builds upon the text by Mauro Zanchi, Sotto il Segno di Diana. Tiziano, Palma il Vecchio e i mi

Settembre 2020

Giorgio Di Noto, artist

The Offing, 2017 On which fields of knowledge are you focused? My first interest was of course photography and all the possibilities of printing and making an image, especially the analogue and manual techniques. After a few years my interest shifted more generally to images and their visual dimensions which open to new possibilities of understanding. What is the object of your research?  Ambiguity of photographic im

Settembre 2020

Marta Tonelli, architect and photographer

Ėjzenštejn. Il montaggio come metodo compositivo (essay) Ėjzenštejn con un teschio di zucchero Aby Warburg nel 1929. The Warburg Institute Archive, London. Schizzi per la suite La morte del toro Tipizzazioni messicane. Studi per la sequenza del mercato di Tehuantepec dell’episodio Sandunga di Que viva Mexico! Donne messicane. Studi per la sequenza del mercato di Tehuantepec dell’episodio Sandunga di Que viva Mexico! Schizzo per la sistemazione d