QUESTA SETTIMANA SIAMO APERTE DA MERCOLEDÌ 12 A VENERDÌ 14. È sempre possibile venire su appuntamento, chiamandoci e o scrivendoci a

Giugno 2020

Giuliana Bruno, writer

Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture, and Film, published by Verso, 2002 and Johan & Levi, 2015 Atlas of Emotion is a highly original endeavor to map the cultural terrain of spatio-visual arts. In an evocative blend of words and pictures, Giuliana Bruno emphasizes the connections between “sight” and “site” and “motion” and “emotion.” In so doing, she touches on the art of Gerhard Richter and Louise Bourgeois, the filmmaking of Peter Gree

Giugno 2020

Maddalena Parise, visual artist and researcher

Il filo dell’arazzo, 2020  Il filo dell'arazzo, preview Maddalena Parise projects involve both research and creation of visual tools.  Il filo dell’arazzo is an immersive and multilayered installation made out of diverse visual and sound devices: light boxes, slides, tracing papers, video projections, small sound amplifiers or earphones. The installation-atlas is a guide through the complex issue of extinction focusing on the mass ‘rarefaction’ that is affe

Giugno 2020

Marco Paltrinieri, artist

Andrè Malraux, Museum Without Walls, published by Granada Publishing, 1974 Over the last forty years of his life, Malraux would assemble, disassemble, and reassemble montages of photographic reproductions to create Le Musée imaginaire, which ranks as one the twentieth century’s seminal manifestations of the archive. Malraux’s idea of an imaginary museum, a “museum without walls” (which he first announced in 1947), is a prescient manifesto of the digital age that enacts th

Giugno 2020

Ignasi López, photographer, editor, designer

La Fuga. breve atlas de analogías, self-published, 2019-2020 La Fuga is a 60 pages book in 3 issues of 20 pages, with a private edition sent to 50 people in 3 deliveries (on 07/19, 11/19/2019 and 04/20/2020) On which fields of knowledge are you focused? Art, Science, Sports culture, History of Religions, Landscape, Geography, Philosophy, Ecology, Found Pictures... What is the object of your research? My recent work is bas

Giugno 2020

Stefano Graziani, photographer

Under the Volcano and other Stories, published by Mazzoli, Modena 2009;  It Seemed as though the Mist itself had Screamed, published by Mazzoli, Modena 2013. On which fields of knowledge are you focused? Photography. What is the object of your research? It is knowledge itself, the ambitious idea to see the mechanism organizing our world and to consider photography

Giugno 2020

Natasha Christia, non-affiliated curator, writer and educator.

Lukas Birk, FERNWEH: A Man’s Journey, a series of exhibitions and a book. FERNWEH: A Man’s Journey was originally conceived as a mutating touring exhibition:  Lukas Birk: Travelogue Sammlung Istanbul. Noks Independent Art Space. Istanbul, October 13–November 5, 2018. Lukas Birk: Sammlung-bis jetzt. Galerie Hollenstein, Lustenau (Austria), September 21–October 28, 2018. Travelogue Sammlung by Lukas Birk. Transformart Gallery-Belgrade Photomonth, April 2018.