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November 2020

Through the book(s) Saturday November 21st, 16-20,

Copy, Tweak, Paste

From Saturday November 21st to Saturday December 12th, 4-8 pm; Book display inspired to Rob van Leijsen last publication Copy, Tweak, Paste: Methods of Appropriation in Re-enacted Artists’ Books and presentation of the books published by èditions clinamen.

On Saturday November 21st, on the occasion of the display’s first day Roxane Bovet, éditions clinamen, will spend the afternoon  with us in Leporello, while Rob will be available online from 6.30 pm for anybody who would like to have a talk with him. 

The book display supporting Through the book(s) #9: éditions clinamen and Copy, Tweak, Paste, Methods of appropriation in  re-enacted artists’ books by Rob van Leijsen, is compiled from new additions and backlist titles from the Leporello Archive.  

The selection encompasses some founding titles like Booktrek: Selected essays on artists’ books by Clive Phillpot, Various Small Books:  Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha by Jeff Brouws, Wendy Burton and Hermann and Hermann Zschiegner and Post-digital  Print by Alessandro Ludovico, that offer historical context and critical writing about book publishing and artists’ books in particular. 

Besides these theory books, a selection of facsimiles and bootlegs discussed in Copy, Tweak, Paste as well as more contemporary examples  from the Leporello archive will be presented. This list of re-enactment achievements by publishers and artists will be further exploited and  completed during the Wednesday takeover of Leporello’s Instagram account. 

On display in Leporello 

Copy, Tweak, Paste: Methods of Appropriation in Re-enacted Artists’ Books, Clinamen, 2020 

Artists’ books, which once allowed artists to avoid meddlesome institutions and galleries in producing and distributing artistic work, today  have a paradoxical existence. On the one hand, there are the extremely rare founding books, termed “first edition” or “original”, and, on  the other hand, there are “facsimile” editions, which entered the artist’s book realm to counteract the scarcity of the originals by offering  re-enactments and reinterpretations of famous titles. This essay underlines a curiosity for practices of appropriation by artists and publishers, and aims to expose methods and discourses in  the production of facsimile artists’ books. 

Artists’ books reviewed in Copy, Tweak, Paste 

AAVV, July, August, September 2012, Greatest hits, Berlin, 2012 

Ian Burn et al., The Fox, The Everyday Press, 2009 

Jan Dibbets, Robin redbreast’s Territory/ Sculpture 1969, Éditions Zédélé, Brest, 2014 

Eric Doeringer, Some Los Angeles Apartments, selfpublished, 2009 

Eric Doeringer, Arcs circles & grids, Copycat Publications, 2011 

Yves Klein, The foudations of Judo, The Everyday Press, 2009 

Michalis Pichler, Twentysix Gasoline Stations, Greatest hits, Berlin / Printed matter, NY, 2009 

Lawrence Weiner, Green as well as blue as well as red, Éditions Zédélé, Brest 2012.

Books published by Rob van Leijsen 

Art Handling in Oblivion, edition fink, 2014 

The Drone Chronicles 2001 – 2016, éditions Centre de la photographie Genève/Spector Books, 2019 

Books published by éditions clinamen 

Kayije Kagame & Grace Seri, Sans Grace, Clinamen, 2020 

Lauren Schmid et Roxane Bovet (eds.), A-Sides – A cosmology of audio editions by artists around the Arc Lémanique region,  Clinamen & HEAD-Geneva, 2020 

Camille Dumond, The filming not the Film, Clinamen, 2020 

Margaret Lucas Cavendish, Lucas Cantori (ed.), Considérations sur la philosophie expérimentale (ciel), Clinamen, 2019

Lauren Huret & Pacôme Thiellement, L’âge des techniciens, Clinamen, 2017 

Yoan Mudry, Roxane Bovet, Lucas Cantori, Yoan Mudry, Loops, Clinamen, 2017 

Kim Seob Boninsegni, Hwabyeong, Clinamen, 2017 

Raphaële Bidault-Waddington et Sylvain Menétrey, Semiospace, A Spaced Out Artistic Experiment, Clinamen 2016

Ilya Prigogine, Temps à devenir, à propos de l’histoire du temps, Clinamen, 2016 Roxane Bovet (ed.), Screamscape, Clinamen, 2015

Ilya Prigogine, Temps à devenir, à propos de l’histoire du temps, Clinamen, 2016 Roxane Bovet (ed.), 

Screamscape, Clinamen, 2015

Book selected in and out Leporello by Rob, Roxane and Chiara 

Ed Ruscha, Los Angeles Apartments,Steidl, 2013 

Lucy R. Lippard, Six Years: The dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972, University of California Press, 1997

Catherine Morris and Vincent Bonin, Materializing “Six Years”, The MIT press, 2012 

Dick Higgins, Wolf Vostell, Fantastic architecture, Primary Information, 2015 

Seth Siegelaub, Xerox book, Roma Publications, in collaboration with the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam /  De Appel arts centre / Stichting Egress Foundation, 2016 

Harald Szeeman, Live In Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form. Works, Concepts, Processes, Situations, Information,  Kunsthalle Bern, 2006 

Clive Phillpot, Booktrek: Selected essays on artists’ books, JRP Ringier, 2013 

Jeff Brouws, Wendy Burton and Hermann Zschiegner, Various Small Books: Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha,  The MIT press, 2013 

Michalis Pichler, Publishing Manifestos, The MIT press, 2019 

Bernhard Cella, No-ISBN. On Self-Publishing, Salon für Kunstbuch, 2017 

Alessandro Ludovico, Post-digital print, Onomatopee, 2012 

Virginie Bobin and Mathilde Villeneuve, Republications, Archive Books, 2015 

Michalis Pichler, Six Hands and a Cheese Sandwich, Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., 2011 

Danny Aldred and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé, Code X, bookRoom, 2015 

Yes Yes Yes Alternative Press, a+mbookstore / VIAINDUSTRIE, 2015 

YEAH, Primary Information, 2017 

AAVV, Provoke, NITESHA, 2018 

Francesca Bertolotti-Bailey, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Vincenzo Latronico, David Reinfurt, The Serving Library Annual 2019/20  (Bruno Munari Obvious Code), Roma Publications, 2019 

Karel Martens, Re-printed Matter, Roma Publications, 2019 

Tillie S. Pine/Joseph Lenive, Gravity all around, Rollo press, 2020 

Jesse Reed, Hamish Smyth, Nasa Graphics Standard Manual, Standard Manuals, 2015 

New York City Transit Authority, Standard Manuals, 2014 

Mike Mandel, Good ‘70, J&L Books, 2015 

David Company, Gasoline, Mack, 2013 

Luigi Ghirri, Colazione sull’erba, Mack, 2019 

Masahisa Fukase, Ravens, Mack, 2017 

Joel Sternfeld, Campagna Romana, Knopf, 1992 

Joel Sternfeld, Rome after Rome, Steidl, 2018 

Mario Cresci, Misurazioni. Fotografia e territorio. Oggetti, segni e analogie fotografiche in Basilicata, Edizioni META Matera, 1978

Mario Cresci, Misurazioni, Yard press, 2020 

Further sources from Copy, Tweak, Paste notes:,%20Cowboys%20and%20Bootleggers

Rob van Leijsen (1983, Tilburg, The Netherlands) is a multidisciplinary graphic designer based in Geneva, Switzerland. His design practice  mainly aims at commissioned projects in the cultural field, notably editorial design. He currently runs his own design studio and teaches at the  visual communication department of HEAD – Genève. Besides commissioned projects, he initiates research projects that offer reflections on  society. In 2012 he graduated from the master Space & Communication at HEAD – Genève with Art Handling in Oblivion, a catalogue that  assembles several art collections that have been stolen during wartime. Art Handling in Oblivion was subsequently published by edition fink  in 2014 and selected as one of “The Most Beautiful Swiss Books” of 2014. In 2019 he published The Drone Chronicles (éditions CPG and  Spector Books). This editorial diptych documents the evolution and integration of drones in our society from 2001 until 2016. His most recent  publication, Copy, Tweak, Paste: Methods of Appropriation in Re-enacted Artists’ Books, is published as a bilingual essay in July 2020 by  éditions clinamen.


The clinamen is a spontaneous deviation at the origin of the creation of worlds; an indeterminate and random deviation, the change in the  trajectory of an atom whose course will end with the encounter with another atom. From the shock, from the explosion, a new universe is  born. Clinamen is a publishing house which evolves in the field of art and its thought. It claims an ambiguous and deeply transdisciplinary  position to see what ideas can emerge from the encounter between people, disciplines, generations and practices. Far from the notion of the publisher as a mere producer of written traces, Clinamen aims to always work in close collaborations with artists in order to question the very  notion of publishing. Clinamen has published more than 30 printed works, runs a collection of online texts and has published projects in other  forms (404, Yoan Mudry, dliss, Ceel Mogami de Haas, etc.) Clinamen was part of the selection of the “most beautiful Swiss book” in 2018 with Hwabyeong by Kim Seob Boninsegni. The publishing house has organized events and exhibitions in Détrois (US), Bucharest (RO), Luzern  (Kunstmuseum), Biel (Lokal-int), Geneva (Zabriskie Point, one gee in fog, Forde, Hit, la dispersion, etc.). 

Books selection

Hours and Infos

From Saturday November 21st to Saturday December 12th

Leporello, Via del Pigneto, 162/e – Roma